Stacey Needs a Hobby

The latest in the lives of the Tardifs, random thoughts, comments, and critiques on life, etc.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Newest professional shot of the kids

More to come soon. Photography By Linda

I Wanna Be A Rockstar

Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

Hurricane Mathieu Strikes Again

I'm in the shower and after convincing Mathieu that he doesn't want to keep opening the shower curtain and sticking his head in the shower, I hear him playing with the toilet paper. I try to get him to stop, and then think, well, one roll of toilet paper is $.50. That's money well spent if it means I can finish my shower in peace. When I get out of the shower, this is what I see. Instead of just unrolling the toilet paper, he's shredded it and spread it all around the upstairs. He doesn't even look the least bit remorseful, does he?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dad turns on the sprinkler...

...and the kids think it's great, until the sun goes down.

The first pictues from Summer

Mathieu puts two and two together and Rory digs a hole. Can't get any better than that.