Stacey Needs a Hobby

The latest in the lives of the Tardifs, random thoughts, comments, and critiques on life, etc.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Mathieu Pierre on the Move

Seriously, the day he starts crawling and already he's in my cabinets and making a mess everywhere -- I love it!

From Brisbane, Australia to Methuen

Well, imagine my delight when I see a comment on my blog from someone I don't know -- and then to find out she's from Australia. Very cool. Flee comes to my blog via Things That Make You Go "Hmm." Ahhh, the World Wide Web finally is turning out to be "worldwide" for me.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Watch out for the sharp claws!

That's what Rory kept saying while we were eating lobster for dinner. Here she is previewing the "menu."

Better Playground = Better Life?

I live in blue-collar Methuen, but my kids play in N. Andover. This is the park in N. Andover we go to and Rory goes to the Andover/N. Andover YMCA. I might not be able to afford to live where I want, but at least my kids can get a taste of "the better life." If I could move my house to N. Andover or Andover I'd be very happy. I love my little New England-style home. Okay, I'd make a couple of modifications (a little bit more room in the bedrooms, a bathroom downstairs, and kitchen cabinets I can reach!).