Stacey Needs a Hobby
The latest in the lives of the Tardifs, random thoughts, comments, and critiques on life, etc.
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Presidential Debate
Are you watching? You should be! I'll be checking it out in high-def so I can see McCain squirm.
Sarah Palin: Huge Step in the Wrong Direction for Women

A snippet from a Boston Globe editorial:
Will Hillary voters buy Palin's extreme antiabortion stance that allows no exceptions, not even for incest or rape; her belief in "market- and business-driven healthcare"; her support for teaching creationism in public schools; her rejection of global warming as man-made?Read the rest
Mathieu meets Thomas

Mathieu and I went for a Day Out with Thomas at
Edaville Railroad. It turned out to be a really great day for both of us. Mathieu had fun and I enjoyed some one-on-one time with him. Mathieu may not look happy in most of these photos, but it's because I kept making him look into the sun when taking his picture.

This morning my husband pulled over a car for speeding. When he approached the car he said, "Hey, your my daughter's kindergarten teacher." She was appropriately horrified -- especially when he told her that she was doing 37 mph in a 20 mph
school zone.

Nobody cried -- Rory was too happy & excited! Well, Mathieu cried because he couldn't go to school with his sister.