London At Night

Amazing photos from Jason Hawkes, a British photographer who has a knack for aerial photography. Check out more here.
The latest in the lives of the Tardifs, random thoughts, comments, and critiques on life, etc.
I took a week off from work so I could feel like a Mom. Rory had summer camp and instead of making my retired parents/babysitters do all the dropping off and picking up I used vacation time so I could do it. I loved it. I loved having a few hours with just me and Mathieu as well -- we don't get much one-on-one time. I hate that I have to work full-time and it's weighing on me. But we had a great week. We went to Fenway (an ugly 9-2 loss, but the end of the Manny era as well), hit the beach, saw Wall-E (which was really great)and just enjoyed being a family. I ended the week by going to the Counting Crows/Maroon 5 concert with some friends from work. A great show. Adam Duritz puts his whole heart into performing. Add the dreadlocks and the angst-ridden personality and I was mesmerized. Adam Levine of Maroon 5 was slick and well, fun to look at. The music is pop rock, so it was fun, but lacked the emotional pack of the Crows show.