Stacey Needs a Hobby

The latest in the lives of the Tardifs, random thoughts, comments, and critiques on life, etc.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Geek Alert!

The "new" book from J.R.R. Tolkien, Children of Hurin gets a good review from The Washington Post.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Gas Prices Going Higher

Why am I not surprised that right after I buy an SUV, gas prices are predicted to hit $4 a gallon?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Rory was trying to nap on the couch, I was trying to make homemade salsa for the first time, and Mathieu was bored. NOT a good combination. Mathieu kept either going over to Rory and waking her up to play or coming over and bothering me. I was desperate. He didn't want to play with his cars or anything else. So I pulled down the Easter Bucket and just let him have at it. Six Hershey's chocolate eggs later he was out of my hair and playing by himself.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Painting with Pudding

Mathieu is pretty good about using a fork or spoon when he eats. But when it's something like yogurt, applesauce, or pudding, he gets frustrated and uses his hands, clearly. It gets messy and can be irritating, but when he and Rory decided to take it to the next level and paint themselves with the chocolate pudding -- well, at that point it's just ridiculous and it becomes funny. They definitely thought it was funny.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The difference between boys and girls, pt. 1

Mathieu is at that stage where he is into everything, climbing on anything within reach, and generally creating mayhem. There's a vase of fresh flowers on my dining room table. Rory at this stage would have crawled up on the table to smell them. Mathieu climbs up onto the table to rip them apart and destroy them! Who are all these people that say boys are easier to raise than girls???

Friday, April 20, 2007

A Harry Potter Theme Park!

Well, if the rumor of a Harry Potter theme park is true, I'm booking travel now!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter pics

The earlier egg hunt at our house didn't go so well. Rory had a MELTDOWN when I wouldn't let her take the one egg that Mathieu found to add to the bag of seven she had found. Oy vey.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What I Come Home To

On a good day, this is what the house looks like when I come home from work. Shawn just lets them tear the place apart. I generally pick up throughout the day when I'm home with them, but I guess I can't complain too much since also waiting for me when I got home is dinner on the table. I just have to wade through the mess to get to it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2 Trips to the ER!

Mathieu went one-on-one with the coffee table and then 3 weeks later Dad slipped carrying Rory into the house and hit her head on an open door. They both got 5 stitches, same spot, different eyes. I called them my stitched-up bookends.

Back to Blogging

Okay, so it's ridiculous that I can't find ten minutes a day to update the blog. So I'm back, and back to daily (or as close to daily as I can) posting. What I have been up to? Besides being completely overwhelmed with being a full-time working mom with two small children and a husband that works nights, I'm obsessed with Battlestar Galactica. That's right, I'm coming out as major geek.